Friday, December 27, 2013

November 2013 – #366

Top Ten:
MALDITO PAIS-Los Inocentes Mueren-EP
MAN IS THE BASTARD-both splits
PROXY-Police Car-EP
RAW NERVES-Futile Efforts-LP

Deep Six's latest step towards reissuing the rightly-beloved MAN IS THE BASTARD catalog on vinyl, this is a 12" split with Ireland's BLEEDING RECTUM. The MITB side features some of their best, including the frantically uptempo "Kai Lai" and "She Board", one of the most aggressive slices of prog-core terror in the discography. While this record doesn't get as much love as collaborations with CAPITALIST CASUALTIES, the LOCUST and CROSSED OUT, I'd argue that it's equally noteworthy for having the best integration of Henry Barnes' genre-expanding electronic experiments, which here take on the texture of some hypermanic Geiger counter. BLEEDING RECTUM offers a relatively straightforward take on hardcore punk, and when they take off the distortion for a melodic interlude you can really tell this was recorded in the early 90s—if they stripped away the fast punk elements I could even see this getting some air time in the Alternative Nation days of MTV (which sounds like more of an insult than it actually is). As we've come to expect by now, the reissue itself is of the highest quality, with great sound and incredibly crisp artwork (the better to see the torture with, natch). While the BLEEDING RECTUM material is perhaps less essential than MITB's, there's not a weak song to be found on either side, and there's no denying its place as a crucial part of power violence history. (WB)
(Deep Six)

TERRORIST–Death Culture Economy–LP
The debut full-length from these pissed-off Winnipeg thrashers, this is anthemic blasty hardcore for the ADD generation, packed with a whole lot of variety and some awesomely inventive drum work. This took me a couple of spins to get into at first, but after a while the catchy guitar leads wore me down, and I can't deny being charmed by their surprisingly jazzy tendencies—I could see these guys getting a lot of comparisons to NOMEANSNO, albeit in the context of fastcore. Lyrically the focus is on the grim political realities of modern life, and the (badass) extended outro is built around a sample of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Those who grind with an open mind should definitely give this a spin, while the purists…eh, fuck the purists. (WB)
(Harvest King)

Taking the time to put loose studs inside the your record sleeves? Pretty fucking hilarious, if you ask me. Despite the fact that they've been active for a few years—they just did a full U.S. tour this summer—I actually only saw these Oakland punx for the first time when they opened for MOB 47 last week. Even with some technical difficulties, they put on a fun, energetic set, and you can tell these kids are just goddamned stoked to be doing their thing. Musically, lyrically and visually, SIDE EFFECTS do a pretty run-of-the-mill take on UK82 worship, steering clear of more crusty influences in favor of straight-ahead hardcore with some antecedents in the DC scene of yore. While the framework is explicitly political, it's also generic enough that it's hard to take anything too seriously, and my mind honestly goes blank when I hear anything involving the phrase "American Dream". Still, for what they're aiming for, this is about as solid an effort as you're likely to find in the year 2013, even if it's not trying to be the Next Big Thing™. (WB)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

October 2013 – #365

Top Ten:

BASTARD-Wind of Pain-LP


A recently report from the Ministry of Information shows that ironic corpsepaint is at an all-time high in the past couple years, so I must admit that my eyebrows were raised before putting this on—I shit you not, this is named the The David Lee Gorgoroth EP. Lucky for everyone, what's within is beyond legit, hands-down one of the finest splits I've heard in a long, long time. Indianapolis’ KATA SARKA take an uptempo crust approach and shred it with aggressive-yet-heady black metal from the same infernal depths as ASHDAUTAS and DIAMETREGON…in other words, I need to get my hands on everything they've recorded. There's more blackened d-beat to be had on BODDICKER’s side, but the pace is more deliberate, and the ‘core factor is turned way the fuck up. Two words: ritual moshing. More than worthy of your limited time on this foul earth. (WB)
(Reality is a Cult)

WE LIVE IN TRENCHES– "Out of the Dark" 45

Dark-but-not-too-dark stylings from Gothenburg, Sweden, WE LIVE IN TRENCHES fit in somewhere between hi-fi modern punk and the lurching noise-rock of MOUNT SHASTA. "Swagger" is definitely not something I look for in punk made after, say, 1981, and that's a big part of why this doesn't really work for me: even with some cool atmospherics, the guitars have a rockin' edge that I can't forgive, and the gruff vocals feel, well, kind of forced. The flip is a SAMHAIN cover ("In My Grip"), and I'm sad to say it's a lot better than the song they wrote, bringing out a gnarly post-punk influence only hinted at on the A-side. (WB)
(La Familia)

FATUM – "Time Passes to the Dark" CD

Some ultra-brief research tells me that there are at least three active bands in Russia named FATUM. This FATUM is from Moscow and stand proudly within the stenchcore tradition, stomping their way through a chuggy tribute to 80s UK crust. There's a lot of filler here, largely due to the extreme length of most of the songs here—the first two alone are almost fourteen minutes long—but they convey the spirit of the style well enough to please the heads who favor it. When they aim for some melody it's pretty fucking awesome, adding some dynamics to an otherwise flat journey through the wasteland. This could have been edited down to a pretty killer 7", but I just don't have the patience to sit through the whole thing at once. (WB)
(Drunk With Power)

SWELLS – "Refraction//Incarnation" LP

Come on, guys! As someone who finds myself defending screamo on a semi-regular basis, you're really not making it easier for any of us. Replete with lyrics that mash up the cutesy with some goofball metaphysical pondering—the first song is titled "If A Toucan You Can!" and involves wormholes, ugh—SWELLS offer a mathish take on what passes for post-hardcore in the year 2013. Even setting aside a couple of parts that could easily find a home on an alt rock album, most of what's here comes off as riff salad, and the playing is pretty damn loose for my taste. Comes inside some fucking stellar artwork—I love dodecahedrons and tessellation as much as the next hXc hippie—but looks can be deceiving. Yep, I'm done here. (WB)

D.I.S. – "Becoming Wrath" LP

Took me a while to unravel this but this band's full name is DESTROYED IN SECONDS, not sure if they changed it or what but it's D.I.S. all over this release. The computer-demon cover art had me expecting either NWOBHM revival or some kind of terrible IN FLAMES worship, but the touchstone here is the metallic end of late 90s/early 2000s Scandi d-beat/crust, paired with vocals that bridge the gap between WOLFBRIGADE and anthemic US bands like AUS ROTTEN. All in all, this is a pretty mixed bag: the moshy tough vibes that pop up occasionally were a pretty big turnoff for me, and a lot of it feels by the numbers even while it sprawls across a few different styles. When they get locked into their groove, though, D.I.S. are more than capable of dialing the sounds of some of the greats, even if they're not bringing much innovation to the table. If I had one piece of advice for this band it would be to develop more of the gloomy forays into metal, which were definitely the best part of this album. (WB)
(Deep Six)

VIOLENT PARTY – "Poison Mixers" LP

Completely blistering from top to bottom, this is A++ noize made by and for maladjusted punk miscreants. Occupying a space not too far from the toompa dementia that is LIFEFORM, VIOLENT PARTY have really outdone themselves with this one, not least in the creepy, paranoid lyrics and artwork. In a microgenre fundamentally based around celebrating stupidity, they manage to write a ton of memorable material that stands out from lately-oversatured cult of wannabe raw dudes. This refusal to bow to lazy songwriting is what makes Poison Mixers a record I'll come back to over and over, the slow pogo equivalent of what D-CLONE does for sheer chaotic speed, and the dark, seedy aura they conjure here is one of the best I've heard in a while. The record ends with a deliciously ominous drawn-out dirge, and I'm left wishing I did more drugs. Between this, the CONTRAST ATTITUDE EP and their label omnibus, Konton Crasher hit a trifecta this month. Props. (WB)
(Konton Crasher/Imminent Destruction)


Twisted nightmare noises conjured with a bass and some drums, this is where good feelings go to die. While MEN AS WITCHES use the skeleton of power violence as a jump-off, there's a cavernous atonality to the proceedings that puts them in the same league as ultrableak latter-day revisionists like Buffalo's WATER TORTURE. These are the sounds of a generation for whom noise-not-music refers to KHANATE as much as it does to bands like DESPITE YOU and NO COMMENT, and that genealogical alchemy yields some truly powerful results. Doomy beardos who got over hardcore five years ago would probably dig it; for me, it's a complete no-brainer: this rules. (WB)

September 2013 – #364

Top Ten:

REALITY CONTROL-Document: 1980-1985-LP

TOTAL WAR – "8 Track Demo" – EP
Distort. Chaos. Repeat. While the raw-til-death aural and visual
fidelity would suggest that this was produced somewhere in Scandinavia
approximately fifteen to twenty years ago, TOTAL WAR hail from today's
ever-brilliant Vancouver scene, which at this point seems to spawn a
new killer band every other month or so. The cream of the demo tape
crop when it was released in 2011, two year later I'm still loving
every second of this; there's not a single wasted note, and these guys
are just plain incapable of writing a boring hook. Hands down one of
the best sets at last year's Subversion Fest—itself no small feat—this
recording captures that same sense of utter recklessness and abandon.
Cheers to Gas Mask for putting this on wax. (WB)
(Gas Mask)

FUCKING INVINCIBLE – "Please Await Further Instruction" EP
Pissed/disgusted hXc from Providence, this 7" finds FUCKING INVINCIBLE
trading off between creeping, deliberate powerviolence and some
surprisingly stoney dissonant breakdowns that I found my head bobbing
along to without even realizing it. Apparently this group draws
members from projects as diverse as DROPDEAD, DAUGHTERS and SOUL
CONTROL, and that's actually not half-bad as a formula for what to
expect here. Simple, but undeniably effective. I'm backing this. (WB)
(Atomic Action!)

Proud 80s HC worship from Mallorca, Spain, the insert is pastiche of
flyers and well-loved records from bands like NEGATIVE APPROACH and
ZERO BOYS (an obvious touchstone here), and that kind of sums up
CRASH's overall approach. Like so many retro-tribute acts, the sound
and style is spot-on, but without the standout songwriting that made
the old stuff classic in the first place; I've listened to this LP
twice now and could imagine listening a few more times without really
remembering any of the songs in particular. My favorite parts were
actually when they moved away from their hardcore…core…to a more
melodic punk sound, and the Oi!-ish song that closes out the album was
another welcome surprise. Unfortunately, most of what's at hand is
lost in the sea of bands going for the same old same old. (WB)
(Nuclear Fear/Old Kids Brigade/Inxausti/Eating Shit)

A murky, harrowing slice of hallucinogenic excess from the Pacific
Northwest, this record is what happens when art punks sit down and
take all the right drugs. The primal heaviness of late-period SWANS
looms over a maze of post-punk psychedelia, capturing the nauseous,
claustrophobic ego-purge of a mushroom trip through ritualistic,
meandering dirges that do not end so much as bleed out. I could go on
listing reference points—Only Theater-era CHRISTIAN DEATH definitely
stood out for me—but to do so would only detract from the thoroughly
original vision that DREAM DECAY has cultivated here. This is a
soundtrack for navel-gazing, through and through, showing the hippies,
burners and psydubglowstick warriors what a true soundtrack for
skullpeel looks like in 2013. I couldn't ask for more. (WB)
(Iron Lung)

KRANG – "Reclaim (De Aestus Espirit, Et Tu)" EP
Another entry in Profane Existence singles series (and probably the
best thus far), KRANG hail from Chicago, playing a thrashy breed of
stenchcore in the vein of DEVIATED INSTINCT and HELLSHOCK. They're
going for a dark atmosphere, but in the end this is definitely the fun
side of crust, with over-the-top guitar leads and a defiant use of the
whammy bar. This didn't come with any lyrics—an odd choice for an
anarcho-band, no?—but the vocals are spot-on, and help elevate this
above mere genre-clone status. Transparent, crisp production does make
this feel a bit 'pro metal' for my taste, and I ended up wishing I'd
heard it on a home-dubbed mixtape just to get the grit and kvlt
rawness of its 80s forbearers. (WB)
(Profane Existence)

LIGHT BEARER – "Silver Tongue" 2xLP
LIGHT BEARER is, to put it lightly, a band that is uninterested in
making music for the masses. Consider this as a thought experiment:
does the idea of a high-concept post-metal/neocrust opera appeal to
you? Drawing explicitly from Milton's Paradise Lost in its poetic
structure, Silver Tongue is second in a four-album(!) song cycle that
recasts the Biblical fall narrative as an exploration of themes no
less grandiose than morality, oppression and the human condition
itself. Comparisons to the vocalist's previous work in FALL OF EFRAFA
are inevitable, fair enough considering that this project retains the
method of pairing EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY-style guitar crescendo with
crusty atmospherics, but LIGHT BEARER goes a step further in
submerging any explicit ties to hardcore—much in the same way NEUROSIS
did a decade earlier. The quiet interludes were for me the most
compelling moments of this record, the fragile, dreamy vocals of
"Matriarch" adding a gothic touch of BLACK TAPE FOR A BLUE GIRL, while
"Clarus" hints at the whimsical neofolk of CURRENT 93. In lesser hands
this would have been a tiresome, indulgent mess, but LIGHT BEARER have
earned their spot at the apex of this particular style, and Silver
Tounge stands out as their definitive work thus far. (WB)
(Halo of Flies)

NUX VOMICA – "A Civilized World" LP
When I moved to Oakland in the summer of 2008, you couldn't throw a
beer can at a band without hitting someone with a NUX VOMICA patch
sewn to their dirty Carhartts. A manic blast of epic song structures,
acoustic intros and the ugly d-beat/pretty sludge push-pull that we
came to take for granted in those days, this repress of their debut
full-length will have any West Coast crustlord worth their salt
nostalgic for the mid-2000s. Though not my favorite NUX release (an
honor that belongs to their 2008 splits with KAKISTOCRACY and
especially THE MAKAI), A Civilized World is in many ways their opus,
transmuting the shredding thrash/death vibes of precursor band WAKE UP
ON FIRE into a baroque behemoth of new-school melocrust, one that
holds up quite well six years on. While the band sometimes gets lost
in their own technical abilities—most obviously in the absurd
shred-fest that is "The Final Election in a Crumbling Empire"—the bulk
of what's here is tasteful and well-conceived, and the second half of
this LP is pretty much flawless. (WB)

August 2013 – #363

Top Ten:

GOLA JAJA-Naked Bollocks-LP
FRAMTID-Defeat of Civilization-LP
TAULARD-Frankreich Katastrophe-EP
SIDA-Apollo 13-EP

KONTRASEKT – “End of Destruction” LP
If you’ve slept on Minneapolis’ KONTRASEKT until now, seriously, go out and get this LP. I dug their 7”, but this right here is total crust mastery, fast-as-fuck, heavy noisecore that remains anthemic under layer after layer of aural scum. The guitars sound absolutely putrid—picture a dump truck colonizing your ear canals—while the vocals add an acid nightmare tinge that’s impossible to resist. Refined metalpunx will take note when they manage to slow down, with a pretty killer ‘raw punks do BOLT THROWER’ sound on one of my favorite tracks, “Indomitus”. Pretty much everything I want from a hardcore record in 2013, I’m still kicking myself for missing their recent gigs in the Bay. (WB)
(MCR Company/Vex)

STRONG AS TEN – "Test Pressing" EP
More blazing fury from STRONG AS TEN, these vets from Metz, France crank out top-notch thrashcore like the mid-to-late 90s never ended. The whacky side of o.g. powerviolence stands out as a clear influence, not least in the back-and-forth vocals that immediately recall SPAZZ. Punchy one-two drumming is, of course, the name of game here—backed up with some excellent breakdowns—and the ridiculous 4-second falsetto bit at the end of "Another NYHC Stupid Song" reaches the summit of dumb hardcore genius. This is just all around awesome. (WB)

JOE 4 – "Njegov Sin" LP
Thick Croatian noise-rock in the same territory as DAZZLING KILLMEN, DAUGHTERS, and JESUS LIZARD, this is JOE 4's first full-length. It's heavy (but not that heavy) and kinda jazzy at times—sort of a lumbering, modern take on SHELLAC meets NOMEANSNO (and yes, Steve Albini did record this)—but a lack of genuine experimentation renders this style somewhat formulaic. One exception is the second-to-last song, "Almost A Boy," which features some spacey leads and definitely stands out from the pack. Not my kind of jam these days, but I can definitely picture a room full of kids getting weird to this. (WB)
(Whosbrain/Fidel Bastro/Geenger)

CRUSADES – "Parables" EP
Finally, a record that asks the question: would Nietzsche have been into pop punk? I'm not sure soaring melodic hardcore was what The Philosopher had in mind when he talked about Dionysian affirmation, but don't tell that to Ottawa's CRUSADES, who seem content, nay, thrilled to set some of his most infamous aphorisms to music. The lyrics and sweeping acoustic intro had me thinking (hoping?) for melocrust, but the A-side is polished, ever-so-earnest major-key punk, through and through: you either love it or you don't (I did not). The flip was something of a pleasant surprise by comparison, a ballad of sorts that recalls post-"Potemkin City Limits" PROPAGANDHI before descending into a bridge that could have been on one of the last HÜSKER DÜ records. Personal taste prevents me from getting behind this in any real sense, but I think I'd say these folks have succeeded on their own terms.
(It's Alive / Destructure)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

July 2013 – #362

Top Ten:

BIOCIDIO–“Brutal Motivation”–EP
PARTISANS–“Police Story b/w Killing Machine”–45
OAKS–"Field Beat"–LP
V/A–“Why Diet When You Can Riot/Carry On Rioting”–LP

HORROS – "Iron Birds" EP

A strange egg here. HORROS are from Finland and offer a pretty burly take on the apocalyptic crust angle, paired with some of the most unapologetically cheezy speed metal leads yet dared on a punk record… the results are about as schizoid as you'd imagine. So long as the shred's buried under a layer of grim fuzz it works out alright, adding a nice dose of melancholy to the proceedings, but the repeated dual-guitar soloing the crops up had me thinking of long hairs in all the wrong ways. Aside from that, there's plenty of quality to sink one's teeth into, and the b-side "Silence" is a definite standout, starting in a more rocking vein only to grind down into an expertly crafted mournful doom outro. This is a record that will reward patient listeners, even if the journey is a bit uneven. (WB)
(Face Your Gods/K.Youtanto)


Not that LIKE RATS actually have anything to do with industrial music, but I was at least hoping the self-appointed GODFLESH lineage would be apparent in terms of an dense, oppressive atmosphere...alas. Instead, we have some gritty and direct hardcore that would probably be pretty fun to windmill to (if you're into that sort of thing), and they pull of the THOU-covering-SABBATH trick well enough to add some dynamics to the proceedings. I wasn't blown away, but it seemed competent enough...and then I had to go and read the lyrics. At first glance it's your typically embarrasing hXc bro-dog musing—I know I'm not the only one who's sick to death of hearing rehashed narratives of normative masculinity—but that's just the beginning. I can't tell if the band is actively trying to court controversy or are just obscenely fucking ignorant (the DARKTHRONE knockoff logo has me leaning towards the former), but at a certain point, does it even matter when your "artist output" contains such gems as "We want to be clean, I want to be pure" and "Sons and fathers die but blood lives on"? Whoa dude, that's sooooo naughty. Wait, no, you're not edgy, you're just the kind of turd I got into punk so I wouldn't have to interact with anymore. (WB)

This debut LP finds MULTIPLE TRUTHS distilling modern melodic crust into something emotive and monolithic, finely balanced between desperation and restraint. On the surface this is actually quite accessible for a hardcore record, with (relatively) minimal distortion and a crisp, transparent production, but there's a definite affinity for experimentation, indicated by frequent tempo shifts and the occasional introduction of piano and subtly-placed guitar effects. Mariam's corrosive vocals lend a tempestuous air to the proceedings, and the occasional singing bits should give goosebumps to anyone raised on 90s U.S. anarcho-punk. Lyrics are introspective, somber, and often theological in scope, so I of course ate it right up. MANIPULATION/HERDS/CONDENADA/CALL ME LIGHTNING/PERMANENT RUIN folks if you need more convincing, this is real deal stuff. (WB)
(Halo of Flies/Religious Plague)

RUINED FAMILIES – "Blank Language" LP
A hazy hardcore/post-punk amalgamation from Athens, Greece, RUINED FAMILIES eschew formula and convention to create a truly original take on these forms, and the results are generally stunning. There really is a lot going on here, reflecting a plethora of influences and intents from screamo to shoegaze to eurocrust, and watching them peel away like layers of an onion is a true pleasure. While there are frequent references to tremolo-happy black metal, these are repurposed in a more angular direction that fans of JUNGBLUTH and THROWERS will enjoy, along with some moments of sheer dreamy beauty—the intro to "Easy Living" would be right at home on the next WHIRR record, and when things slow down I was reminded more than once of the equally singular CRIMINAL CODE. It's definitely not for everyone, but those looking for progressive, intelligent hardcore should take note: Blank Language is more than worthy of your attention. (WB)
(Adagio 830)

June 2013 – #361

Top Ten:

KAOS-Betonska Djeca-LP
PLEASURE LEFTISTS-Elephant Men/No Over-45
WARHEAD-Never Give Up-LP
LA LUZ-Call Me In The Day/Easy Baby-45


With an artful, droning approach that thumbs its nose at doom traditionalism, THE BODY bring the avant-grim on a level few others can, rewarding those patient enough to endure their monolithic dirges with some of the more harrowing soundscapes to be found in contemporary American metal. This is a reissue of their excellent eponymous debut, originally released in 2004, and the remaster here is absolutely MASSIVE; even after seeing them for years, it's still hard to wrap my head around the fact that this is only a two-piece. Famed for playing without the aid of microphones, Chip's piercing, tortured shrieks occasionally offset by some of the most off-puttingly murky vocals ever put to wax, there's enough occult/torture chamber vibes here to satiate the most craven soul, with a focus on ambience that they've only expanded on with subsequent releases. One element that this band never gets enough credit for are their stark, mythical lyrics, obliquely mournful and Biblical in scope. THE BODY is unmissable live, louder-than-death and seriously the most ass-shaking (in the PARLIAMENT sense) experience in modern doom. They've yet to disappoint thus far, so of course I'm more than a little excited for their new EP Master, We Perish, which will be out by the time this goes to print. (WB)
(Feast of Tentacles / Howling Mine)

For those who believe hardcore is best suited for messages that can be expressed in ten words or less, I give you Michigan's BUNNY SKULLS. Action-packed with an old-skool blastbeat or three, the 80s throwback vibe is strong (though not dominant) with oh-so-dejected vocals in the vein of ANTIDOTE (US). Production is rough and raw, with a home-recorded guitar tone that's spot-on for the style, and yes, they do a not-half-bad cover of "Punk's Not Dead." If I had to pick some of its lyrics to sum up this recording, I'd have to go with "Kicked in the face, kicked in the balls". One for the hate-filled drunk in all of us. (WB)
(Knot Music)

Sorry folks, but I'm yawning on this one. It's not that WET LUNGS are a clone band—the southern-tinged sludge-meets-hardcore sound has been done to death, but they at least have an idiosyncratic take on it—really, the problem is that the songs here just aren't especially memorable. Sonically, the band is caught between a rock and a hard place: about half of the riffs are generic metal/punk crossover, but when they get more ambitious with the songwriting it goes in a more rock-oriented direction that mostly feels flat. It's not all that bad—"Resist or Serve" is a nice slice of blasty metallic HC (a direction I hope they will expand on in the future), and I can't object to the unapologetic goofiness of a song named "Bad Lands = Good Times". This is the kind of release that doesn't include lyrics but does include a promo photo of the band. I'm guessing this might appeal to the half of MELVINS fans I don't identify with, maybe. (WB)

VÄÄRINKÄSITYS – "Päivän Tunnit" EP
This might blow your mind, but you don't have to chug to be hardcore. Craaazy, rite? Take, for example, these eight tracks of taught, no-bullshit rage from Finnish veterans VÄÄRINKÄSITYS. These guys have an HC/crust sound that's more or less timeless, and their almost complete lack of metallic influences is downright refreshing in an era where ENTOMBED tone has become de rigueur. Some of the leads briefly hint at more epic terrain, but the songs constantly move forward rather than letting any one thread take over, and thankfully there's a heaping of sikk riffs all over this EP. The vocals are somewhat restrained for the style, but effective, and the requisite looming, Kafka-esque death factory on the cover only seals the deal. Simply put, this is punk done right. (WB)

May 2013 – #360

Top Ten:

[ed. note: I fucked up, POINTED STICKS–EP, BUREAUCRATS–45 and ZRU VOGUE–45 all belong on there, probably in lieu of the comps]

Absolutely ripping hardcore punk from Japan, this six-track EP sounds a fierce battlecry, upholding the legacy of bands like DEATH SIDE with style and finesse. It's not too flashy or speed-crazy—along the lines of COLORED RICE MEN in terms of tempo, while some of the rock-influenced songs like "Bored to Death" recall the blazing glory of TETSU ARREY—but ANTI SPECTACLE are masters at pulling memorable hooks from the chaotic ether, and almost every chorus retains an instant sing-and-pogo-along quality. Readers whose spirits burn with the true fire, this will not let you down. (WB) 
(Hardcore Kitchen)

GOD'S AMERICA – "Our Bones Will Bleach in the Sun" EP
Crushing, blasty hardcore with the bass turned waaaaay the hell up, there's nothing mind-expanding or outside the box about this, but they nail the dumbed-down MAN IS THE BASTARD sound pretty much on the head. Cool/whacked out artwork in the 50s-white-America-meets-war-victims-meets-zombies idiom, I can only hope this was named in honor of Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen. Hardly essential but you know what? I like power violence, and I like this record. (WB)

HIRS – "The First 100 Songs" LP
Demented, perverse (in all the best ways) and obscenely prolific, I don't know how this band hasn't crossed my radar before. Shame on me, because this is a fucking onslaught, compiling two years of HIRS' brilliantly satanic trans* grind punishment (yes, you did read that correctly, and yes, dreams can come trve). The drums are so fast and precise that they've got to be programmed, and I imagine that's where this will lose a lot of listeners, but thankfully HIRS steers well clear of the death metal cybergrind schlock circuit in favor of hyper-blurred neo-powerviolence for da (queer anarcho-)punx. One hundred tracks is a lot to take in in one sitting, but inventive song structures, fist-to-the-cop's-jaw lyrical precision and some truly mind-exploding samples keep this from getting dragged into the blasty murk like so many grindcographies. If there's no God, this LP will inspire thousands of youths across Amerikkka to rise up, glitter at hand, and carve out their parents' eyeballs. (WB)

Following up on an excellent debut 7", the latest entry from SOCIETY NURSE showcases a unit at the top of their game, dishing out ugly, caustic paeans to disappointment and humanity's collective sense of helplessness, taken over the top by its massively modern but filthy production and some killer bass tone. There's no denying the 80s US hardcore feel (especially the Midwest), but this is way too intelligent and off-the-wall to be dismissed as mere "retro" nostalgia fodder. SOCIETY NURSE is the sort of band that old heads and HOAX-worshipping neophytes can get together to recognize as the real fucking deal. Members of WALLS and BOOKBURNER, but who's counting? (WB)
(Iron Lung)

STRONG BOYS – "Can't Take It Back" EP
The first vinyl offering from Dublin's STRONG BOYS, this is grimy queer punk for the discerning mysterious leather guy. There's a definite late 70s proto-hardcore feel to the proceedings, replete with swaggering guitar and some truly putrid low-end vox. There's ten seconds of "Lexicon Devil" in there, and a whole lot of GERMS vibes overall (just check out their logo). There's a song about cybersex called "Cocktheft." What more do you need to know?  STRONG BOYS, ruling it. (WB)

SWAMPWOLF – "The Brilliance of a Feral Mind" LP
Gloomy metal/punk crossover for the ADHD generation, this gaggle of freeks from Flagstaff happily delve into black metal (lots of black metal), thrash, powerviolence, and good ol' fashioned sludge-crusty HxC in their quest to become the heaviest beast in the southwestern U.S. While this ecumenical approach ensures that there's never a dull moment across a half-hour of playing time, the final result is a somewhat mish-mashed sound that fails to distinguish itself from the hundreds of similar bands whose members had their minds blown the first time HIS HERO IS GONE came on. Things really take a turn for the worse when the band takes a too-frequent left turn into elven power-metal realms, all the more disappointing when this emerges from a totally killer riff. Luckily, there's something redeeming to balance out every Malmsteen-worth guitar lick: vocals are spot-on and the pretty/gnarly dynamics they get going on songs like "Some People's Children" are supremely satisfying. Not bad at all, but with a little more stringent editing this could have really been a contender. (WB)
(Goin' Ape Shit / Morning Star)

WORN OUT – "Conform. Obey." EP
Tense, misanthropic and apparently straight edge grind/powerviolence from Chicago, this is a repress of their 2011 demo and some of the best midwestern fast I've heard since SFN. With a hearty dose of the crust in terms of both beats and production, WORN OUT bust out some huge riffs when they manage to slow down, and the piercing lead vocals are downright nasty. Totally unrelenting and not to be trifled with, posers are encouraged to please fuck off now. (WB)
(Diseased Audio)

April 2013 – #359

Top Ten:

BIG BOYS-Where's My Towel/Industry Standard-LP
DAVE RATA-Hallucigenia-LP

BRINK OF DESPAIR – “Rooted in Dust” LP

A record that continues to work its way deeper and deeper into my
skull, Germany’s BRINK OF DESPAIR convey a mood here that is forlorn
and yet still defiant, pulling out one of the better entries into the
epic crust arena that I’ve come across recently. The bands takes a few
twists and turns over the course of an full-length, starting off with
some thrashy, chugging crust-metal in the vein of that one THEE KVLT
OV OUROBOROS EP before switching gears towards the mid-tempo TRAGEDY
sound—which they nail pretty damn hard—and then back again. Some will
doubtless be lost by the more weepy leads on the second half of the
record, but there’s a singularity to the proceedings that makes the
whole feel like much more than the sum of its part. An auspicious
debut, as they say, and I hope we be seeing more where this came from.

DERNIER COMBAT – “Turn a Blind Eye” EP

Brash and anthemic as all fuck, DERNIER COMBAT share a member with
Atlanta's near-peerless DISABLE but turn down the noize attack a notch
or three by comparison. The phrase "crust'n'roll" kind of makes me
want to throw up in my mouth, but this record pulls the style out of
the scuzz bar and back into the filthy streets where it belongs.
Picture-perfect guitar and bass tone certainly don't hurt, and "Above
the Law" is seriously one of the best anti-cop anthems I've heard in a
long time. (WB)
(Baby on Board)

CLOUD RAT – “Moksha” LP

It’s impossible to remain objective (whatever that means) when
reviewing a band that you already love, so just in case you didn’t
read my year-end top ten last month, I will disclose my status here as
an unrepentant CLOUD RAT fangirl. By now, it should be clear that this
band has completely transcended the reductive grind label they tend to
get tagged with; I’d just call it beautiful, blast-happy
hardcore/crust that manages to prove (for the nth time) that black
metal and screamo are really just two sides of the same wonderfully
depressive coin. Moksha stands the pinnacle of CLOUD RAT’s rise to
genre-titan status over the past few years, and the longer format
really gives them room to explore to full depths of their sound. Hell,
there’s even a killer Neil Young cover ("The Needle and the Damage
Done”) to seal the deal. This is mandatory. Class dismissed. (WB)
(Halo of Flies / IFB / 7Degrees / React With Protest)

LIVVER – “Fuck You, Pay Me” LP

Gloomy, death-obsessed East Coast hardcore of a post-Holy Terror
persuasion, this is a record that reminds us that dark, brooding guy
is totally the tough guy of this generation. The ætmospheric intro had
me eating out of the palms of their hands, but the riffs that follow
only highlight the plodding, redundant tendencies of this style, and
the whole thing left me rather cold. I think this LP’s name kind of
sums it up; sure, it makes them sound hard as NAILS, but wasn't punk
supposed to be about, like, subverting capitalist modes of relation
and stuff? Self-deprecating snark aside, the lyrics are uninspired at
best (“This heart is blackened” is as indicative a line as any), and
songs like “Surf Tsunami” give this an almost exploitative vibe. (WB)


Completely on-point from start to finish, this is how you fucking do
it, folks. Canada’s SKELETON dress to impress, playing downtuned crust
with some reverb-drenched death growls that could easily give DOOM a
run for their money. There’s a melancholy layer mixed in with the
brutal that helps keep things dynamic, and the black metal riff they
pluck out of the ether on “Nothing” had me pulling out the corpse
paint before I could realize it was still light outside for another
six hours. BETON from Bratislava, Slovakia stay closer to the raw
party line, but if you’re into ripping, galloping d-beat there’s
really nothing not to like here, and some heavy chorus keeps the one
true guitar solo weird and awesome. Yes, yes, and yes. (WB)
(Ultima Ratio)

Year-End Top Ten for 2012

MAUSER – "Isolation" EP (La Vida Es Un Mus / Vinyl Rites)

MAUSER are one of those bands where every release manages to outshine the one that came before it, and the latest 12" only cements their spot at the top of the current U.S. raw punk dogpile. Crossed paths with these dudes on tour in New Orleans, where they tore the roof off the tiny cafe space we were playing, and they had hands-down one of the best sets at Chaos in Tejas. Their drummer is a fucking beast (Hi Mike!), and "Deterioration" is a serious contender for my favorite mid-tempo hardcore song ever. That upcoming tour with FOLKEIIS and MUNDO MUERTO is definitely one of the more exciting things I'm looking forward to in 2013.

PERMANENT RUIN – Demo (Self-Released) + "Hell is Real" EP (Adelante Discos)

There's no question in my mind, PERMANENT RUIN was the Bay Area hardcore band of 2012, playing about a million shows and blowing away every single crowd with their blistering, faster-than-thou anthems of smash. What's not to love? All three of their releases from last year (a bulk of the demo was released as a flexi by Radical Punks Never Die) are shining examples of what DIY can aspire to, with brillantly searing artwork and lyrics and absolutely killer recordings. Some of the best noise not music made by some of the raddest people in punk. Never sleep.


Far and away the most-played new record in my house last year. The eau d'goth was certainly in the air in 2012, but no one can accuse RØSENKØPF of being trend-followers or retro knockoffs, if for no other reason than there's simply no one else making sounds out there quite like this (if you put a gun to my head I guess I'd describe it as psychedelic anarcho-industrial darkwave?). Their live set was something else, employing a whole mess of fun toys to realize those throbbing, trance-inducing beats by any and all means necessary. We played with them on a show in El Paso (watching Soren discover his first night out that he'd accidentally bought a four-foot-long kids sleeping bag was definitely up there for most adorable moment of tour) and when I caught them two weeks later at Oakland's Terminal they were even more mind-bogglingly seamless.

CLOUD RAT –  splits with REPUBLIC OF DREAMS (IFB / Moment Of Collapse / React With Protest / 50 Year Storm) and XTRA VOMIT (IFB)

CLOUD RAT have been around for a few years, but like many folks I came across them only recently, having been instantly converted upon hearing their split with XTRA VOMIT a few months ago. CLOUD RAT are indeed a grind band, but one whose lineage has as much to with (fucking great) screamo and the dreamy, esoteric margins of black metal as it does with ASSÜCK (don't worry, these kids probably totally love ASSÜCK too). "Emotive" is a descriptor that would make a lot of trve grind fans gag, but fuck 'em, because CLOUD RAT are putting out some of the best loudfastshit in the world right now. Their LP "Moksha" is coming out any day now and I will be shocked if it's not one of the best records of 2013.

ZYANOSE – "Noise Philia 2005-2011" LP (540 / Todo Destruido) + "Isolation" EP (Distort Reality)

Japan's most glorious crasher crust disaster, ZYANOSE have recognized that bringing the chaos is a practice best informed by being totally wasted, and this is an ethos which obviously permeates everything that they do as a band. There were so many memorable sets at Chaos in Tejas (still can't get over how good WINTER was) but ZYANOSE was easily the most boisterous and fun, and their ability to produce absolutely paint-peeling noize punk shriek with two basses and no guitars still has me scratching my head six months later. The discography roundup is totally essential for anyone who recognizes that inner ear canals are extremely overrated, while the new EP shows off a band at the top of their game, doing what they do best and clearly having way too much fun. "Aaaaaaaaaargh" never sounded so sweet.

ALARIC/ATRIARCH – split LP (20 Buck Spin)

Another record that I know I'll be listening to for many years to come, this split was the logical conclusion of a long-time affinity between the two bands, who have toured together more than once and who I've personally seen play together more times than I can count. ALARIC are one of the few modern acts whose effects-laden sound I'd consider worthy of comparison to THE CHAMELEONS (my favorite post-punk band), and I continue to be amazed by their ability to stay true to their early 80s source material within an utterly modern recording aesthetic. "So Far Down" is one of most memorable tracks in their repertoire but the closer "Weep" is the real standout here, an absolutely devastating riff that builds out into an wistful, expansive dirge; I'm not exaggerating when I say ranks up there as one of my favorite goth/post-punk songs of all time. ATRIARCH continue to refine their CHRISTIAN DEATH-meets-blackened doom approach to great effect, and I think the material here is their finest, most coherent to date.

WATER TORTURE – "Shellfire!" EP (Diseased Audio) + splits w/ SEA OF SHIT (Diseased Audio) and THEDOWNGOING (Nerve Altar)

We have seen the future and it is fucking horrid. Mutants of all stripes will find refuge in the demented sounds of WATER TORTURE, where fist-crushing powerviolence merges with all manner of bleep-blorping electronic goodness to bring the MAN IS THE BASTARD trajectory into the 24th century. Splits with some of the best punky blasters out there right now only seal the deal: WATER TORTURE are one of the most exciting bands I got into last year, and probably the most fun I've had listening to a grind record since that crazy PSUDOKU rewired my consciousness in late 2011.

HEXIS – "Seputus/Fatum" 45 (Black Lake / Skaven / Monotonstudio / Enjoyment / Gardens / Braincrushing) + "X" EP (IFB/Maximum Douglas/Orchid Scent/Parade of Spectres/Panda Banda)

Nightmare music of the highest order. In a year that saw so many mediocre (not to mention sketchy) fusions of black metal and dark hardcore, HEXIS from Copenhagen were one of the few that did it right, integrating European heaviness a la BLACK FREIGHTER into a deliciously nauseating mindfuck that bears an avant-garde kinship with bands like PORTAL and EHNAHRE. No matter how many times I listen to these songs, HEXIS always seems to trigger the same sense of anxiety and impending doom. Then again, I keep putting it back on…

BELGRADO – "Panopticon/Vicious Circle" 45 (La Vida Es Un Mus)

It would have been easy for BELGRADO to stumble or stall after releasing their landmark self-titled LP, but if their newest material is any indication, the creative well has far from run dry. Lucky for the rest of us! As we all know by now, it's easy enough to throw on some reverb and recreate that sound, but BELGRADO set themselves apart from so many post-punk revivalists by writing great fucking songs, and the two at hand are no exception. The vocals—and oh, that guitar tone!—retain an instant familiarity, but with a strangely timeless quality, and there's no denying their mastery when it comes to painting paranoid landscapes with an almost cinematic precision. I don't want to say that their set at 1-2-3-4 Go! was a revelation—that's way too corny—but I think I just did.

COMMUNION OF THIEVES – "To Serve Man" Demo (Self-Released)

At the risk of gushing, COMMUNION OF THIEVES are basically in 'dream band' territory for me, tempering their epic d-beat crust foundation with a dose of gorgeously atmospheric black metal to produce some of the most incredible songs I've heard in the decade or so that I've been listening to punk. Lyrics in Spanish and English explore feminism, religion and the soul-crushing realities of industrial civilization with a first-hand focus on the experiences of immigrants on the U.S./Mexico border, and Alison's perfectly caustic vocals add a whole other dimension to the music. The first time I came through El Paso on tour COMMUNION OF THIEVES was supposed to play but had to drop at the last minute, being replaced by their awesome death metal/crust side project NUCLEAR SCORN. Needless to say, I was thrilled when we got booked with COMMUNION and RØSENKØPF this time around, and it would be an understatement to say they exceeded all of my expectations; seriously, some of the most inspired drum work I've ever had the pleasure of seeing live. Real talk, there is no band in the world right now whose first full-length I want to hear more.


DISCHARGE – All EPs (Havoc)
WARRIOR KIDS – "Les Enfants De L'Espoir" LP (Katorga Works)
KNOTS – "Action/Heartbreaker" 45 (Last Laugh)
VARUKERS – "Another Religion, Another War" LP  (Havoc)
CURRICULUM MORTIS – "Sentencia de Muerte" LP (Ultra Sonido)
PICTURE FRAME SEDUCTION – "Hand of the Rider" LP (Queer Pills)
THE DICKS – "Hate The Police" EP (1-2-3-4 Go!)
MAN IS THE BASTARD / AUNT MARY – split (Six Weeks)
ABUSE – "Manifest: 1994-2004 Discography" CD (Haunted Hotel)
ABADDON – "Wet Za Wet" LP (Warsaw Pact)


March 2013 – #358

Top Ten:

DAWN OF HUMANS-Blurst of the Birdfish-EP
LOTUS FUCKER-Forever My Fighting Spirit-LP
DEBORAH KANT-Terminal Rail/Route-LP

DAWN OF HUMANS – "Blurst of the Birdfish" EP
Coming out of the same NYC scene that spawned PERDITION, CRAZY SPIRIT, HANK WOOD AND THE HAMMERHEADS, et al, DAWN OF HUMANS are on a whole other tip, delving into the same nightmarish terrain as early THROBBING GRISTLE and bad trippers FIFTY FOOT HOSE before them. Sonically speaking, the focus is on fuzzy, weirdo punk dirges, taking up the framework of hardcore one minute only to ditch it the next, or, as is more often the case, dissolving it into an ominious, apocalyptic meltdown. The bizarre, psychedelic shit cartoon art (and I mean that in the best way possible) only adds to the sense of impending headfuckery, to say nothing of the vocals, which alternate between, shall we say, “traditional” hxc screams and something vaguely resembling the spawn of a gremlin and DEVO’s terrifyingly sexless Booji Boy. Maddening and supremely satisfying, this is music by freaks, for freaks, with no room for squares or the weakly stomached. Can't recommend this highly enough. (WB)
(Toxic State)

Rollicking, melodic punk from Spain with members of TEMPESTA, DERROTA and DISPARO, this is apparently a vinyl repress of the MALDITO PAIS demo cassette. Could have fooled me! Really though, this sounds as good (actually, waaaay better) than most bands’ mature works, with a well-honed 80s punk sound and some truly inspired songwriting. There’s a decided post-/anarcho-punk influence here, most notably on the production, and the thick echo on the vocals definitely takes this to the next level for me, but every member of this band nails it across the board. The LP starts off on a fairly upbeat note and for the most part retains a fun, exuberant feel, but some more aggressive sections pop up from time to time and provide a nice counterpoint to the rest. The whole thing is endlessly catchy, like this-just-bored-holes-in-your-brain-and-laid-eggs catchy. If you dig bands like ESCROTO DE RATA this will be absolutely crucial, but either way it'd be a big mistake to miss out on this one. (WB)

A gnarly debut marred by some horrendous recording, SUBSERVIENT FUCK from New Orleans do the angry hardcore thing better than most, with metallic overtones, some pissed-off blasting and a palpable sense of frustration with modern life—nearly every song is written in the second person, and boy is this band disappointed in you. I like my hardcore raw and blown out as fuck (who doesn't), but unfortunately this just sounds like the guitar tracks were horribly clipped and then digitally compressed down to total chunky shit quality...the results are near unbearable, especially on headphones. Too bad, because the songs themselves are pretty killer, with appropriately filthy vocals and some fx-laden noise solos that fuckin’ rip. I would love to see this band live; hopefully the next record will live up to the material they're writing. (WB)
(Human Resources)

V/A – "Shredded Wheat Vol. 2" CD
A label sampler from Harvest King Records, a DIY collective operating from the prairies Western Canada. Mostly made of cuts from previous HK releases along with a few new tracks, there's a wide range of styles here leaning towards the more melodic, polished side of punk and hardcore—you could imagine more than a few of these bands working their way up to a release on Epitaph—while some of it goes into straight up alt rock territory (I'm looking at you THESE ESTATES, yeesh). Not exactly the kind of music I go for these days, but there's some standout tracks by BORN WRONG, REHASHED, and AMOUR FOU on the more aggressive side of things, and INVASION puts a nice screamotional touch on their track "Lost and Found". Nerds, you'll be happy to know the whole thing is available as a free download on that internet thing I keep hearing about. (WB)
(Harvest King)

February 2013 – #357

Top Ten:

FORWARD-War Nuke and Death Sentence-LP
KRIGSKONTRAST-Prostituterad Natur-EP

Still going strong after all these years, HELLBASTARD are known as one of the first wave of UK bands—alongside AMEBIX, AXEGRINDER, DEVIATED INSTINCT, etc.—to fuse hardcore punk with heavy metal, lending the nascent genre its name via their “Ripper Crust” demo along the way. Their contribution finds the band mining the classic HELLBASTARD sound while occasionally taking it into some pretty adventurous directions that they manage to totally fucking nail. It's gritty, political, and anthemic as all hell, and there’s a decidely throwback, heshin’ thrash feel to a lot of what’s here (which is what will separate the haters from the appreciators). The opening track “Wolf Song” is a definitely standout, a bit of dark punk in the vein of ALARIC and NEW MODEL ARMY that slowly ratchets up tension before the metallic siege, and I really dug the atmospheric choral vocals that emerge at the end of their side. Dis-consin warriors DRESDEN rip through a more modern d-beat/crust sound without a moment wasted, setting themselves apart with some standout dual vocals, down-tuned Swedish death metal tone, and copious amounts of double kick to match. It’s kind of a trip to hear guitar solos this soaring on a release that's otherwise so apocalyptic, but if you grew up on speed metal like I didn’t you'll probably eat it right up. Well worth checking out for fans of either band and anyone with a fondness for aggressive, vocally-driven crust. (WB)
(Unleash Hell)

This record kind of has me scratching my head: every time I’m about to write it off there’s suddenly a part that totally rips…then again, it’s all uphill once I hear you rhyme “sobriety” with “society.” Sing-a-long punk from Philly with melodic tendencies and a decent cheeseball factor, there’s a good supply of rad 80s hardcore riffs in there—hell, the slow chunk from “Social Loathing” could pass as some pretty decent UK anarcho-punk—but why you'd choose do gang vocals for the entirety of almost every song is beyond me. I could see this being a fantastic beer-soaked mess live, but also kind of doubt I'd end up in the bar that they'd be playing in. Pretty weird seeing this on a label with AIDS WOLF and SHIT & SHINE, but I suppose stranger things have happened. (WB)

As if the world needed more evidence that Western Mass is one of thee great American punk locales of the last decade, WASTELAND have emerged from the ashes and released their long-delayed LP. Featuring members of AEROSOLS, SOUL CONTROL and RELICS (along with countless other bands, duh), this record was finished back in 2008 but lingered due to the band’s ill-timed breakup. Totally worth the wait! Distilling a million and one influences into a sound that's inventive and distinct yet instantly familiar, WASTELAND touch on d-beat, screamo and good old ‘murican hardcore, and results are nothing short of brilliant. This vinyl release was apparently made to coincide with their reunion set at AMPERE’s ten year anniversary show, and rumor has it they fucking destroyed. A bunch of folks from this band now play in MEAN MAN'S DREAM, whose demo I am happy to say is also—surprise, surprise—totally rad. (WB)
(Clean Plate)

January 2013 – #356

Top Ten:
BELGRADO-Panopticon/Vicious Circle-45 + live
CURRICULUM MORTIS-Sentencia de Muerte-LP
D-CLONE-Creation and Destroy-LP

CURRICULUM MORTIS – “Sentencia de Muerte” LP

Damn, could this be any fucking cooler?! Originally released as a demo in 1988, “Sentencia de Muerte” is SLAYER-worshipping Peruvian metalpunk of the highest order, one of those bands where you have to instantly wonder why they're not a household name by now. With an awesomely blown-out guitar tone that's somewhere between DISCLOSE and Mexican psych masters KALEIDOSCOPE, CURRICULUM MORTIS go straight for the jugular with fast, anthemic riffs, twisted vocal snarls and the occasional crawling breakdown. If you can't handle an absurd guitar solo or seven then this might not be for you, but the rest of us can enjoy what is hands-down one of the most fun records I've heard in ages; seriously, I'd trade a thousand generic thrash revival bands for one CURRICULUM MORTIS any day. Those of you who worship at the altar of SACRILEGE—and ultra-lofi morbidity in general—do not sleep on this.

(Ultra Sonido)


For most punks, MAN IS THE BASTARD is one of those bands that you either get, or you hate. What else would you expect of a hardcore band that name-drops jazz fusion bands ("(Tony Williams) Strifetime") and draws as much from CAPTAIN BEEFHEART AND THE MAGIC BAND as MINOR THREAT or West Coast contemporaries CROSSED OUT and CAPITALIST CASUALTIES? With two basses, no guitars and some truly warped power electronics thrown in for good measure, M.I.T.B.'s epic discography remains a more or less singular statement in the annals of punx past, inspiring countless bands almost none of which sound even remotely like them. This EP is one of their earliest releases, a split with truly fucked-up Finnish outfit AUNT MARY, and their side presents a rudimentary take on their basic off-time, sludgy wierdness, culminating in the insanely catchy "H.S.M.P," notable as the song that introduced the term "power violence" to hundreds of grind nerds the world over. AUNT MARY's side is sonic terror on a whole other level, splicing together what sounds like hundreds of tape loops into a choppy, disorienting clusterfuck, something like the aural equivalent of huffing solvents. Overflowing with blasts, drones and backmasking galore, vocals are near-inaudible and function more as a layer of percussion than anything. It's quite amazing in its unrestrainted sadism, and sitting through the whole thing is enough to make even the most intrepid heads want to, like, totally spew. Originally released as a 7", this repress has been upgraded to a whopping ten inches for all the audio nerds, fitting treatment for a classic such as this. (WB)

(Deep Six)


A brutal team-up from a couple of UK bands that strattle the metal/hardcore fence, this split puts a twist on the classic doom band/grind band formula by having both bands go fucking slooooow when the chance strikes. MOLOCH are more firmly on the sludge/doom side of things, though their take is a bit crustier than the average EYEHATEGOD clone; bottom line, it's supremely bleak and they do what they do well, continuing the style found on their earlier split with THOU. CLOSURE are doing more of a dark hardcore/power violence hybrid, but the tone and feel is totally doomed out with bass heavy, resin-thick production. The result is bone-crunchingly tough and menacing, but thankfully lacks the macho edge that poisons so much hardcore in this vein. I guess they'd already broken up by this came out, but it's a damn high note to end on. (WB)

(Feast of Tentacles / King of the Monsters)


A collaboration between two bands that have recently garnered some serious attention in the German hardcore scene, this record highlights the confluence of neocrust, screamo and post-metal that has come to define an insular subgenre of modern hardcore familiar to fans of bands like PERTH EXPRESS. Even with a heaping dose of droning blast beats, LENTIC WATERS have a very emotive—and at-times a bit mathy—style; they may get quite metallic at times, but the overall feeling is more tortured existentialism than blood-thirsty hordes, and there's a whole mess of pretty parts that on that whole didn't really do it for me. PLANKS side is much more to my liking, weaving between atmospheric black metal and epic crust in the style of NUX VOMICA and FALL OF EFRAFA. The vocal delivery reminds me of PROTESTANT and for the most part is quite effective, but I just can't get down with the recent trend of bands doing hardcore vocals in black metal, sorry. That said, there's some awesomely gothy clean vocals that pop up from time to time, and they even manage to slip a dance beat or two in there without it feeling disruptive. All in all a very solid effort and worth checking out for fans of this style.

Apocaplexy / React With Protest / IFB)


A truly rad split from two two-pieces united by a love of blunts and noise not music, you have to love any record that manages to stay this punk while also keeping it fucking grind. ARCHAGATHUS are hands down one of the sickest bands in today's fertile Canadian grind/violence scene, a mincing, crusty nightmare with vocals that alternate between oppressive death growls and some truly choice tortured high-end filth. PIZZAHIFIVE bring a strong metallic grind influence into their modern power violence style, with shit-fi cymbals that sound like shards of glass in the best way possible and some of the stupiest/most self-referencial lyrics in hc/metal history (no small feat!): “There is no going back on the fact that that you did this split. Hey Archagathus let's do a split! Archagathus let's do a fucking split.” They can laugh all they want at getting me to sit through three minutes of world's dumbest in-joke—hell, I'll even reference Dan Ryckman in this review, whoever the hell that is—because this record kills it, plain and simple. (WB)

(Grindfather Productions / Jennifer Grind / To Live a Lie / Adam Ant Blasts / Opaqus Rex / Rex Manor / Mercy of Slumber / Don't Fear The Night)

Monday, November 18, 2013

December 2012 – #355

Top Ten:

DESPERAT-Demokrati Eller Diktatur?-EP
MAGIC SHADOWS-"Sunburned Mind/Under the Stairs"-45
V/A-Turist I Tillvaren-LP

DISCOVER – "Food for the Warmachine" EP
Bludgeoning d-beat/noise punk done right, this is apparently a posthumous release from these Swedish rippers—what a bummer. In line with their "Totally Untalented Apocalypse Punk" aesthetic, the recording is lo-fi as fuck—you basically have to extrapolate the drum tone—but the riffs are there and it's great to hear bands on the faster side of this style that can still write actual *songs*. Lyrics are about…war (you guessed it!), and KAAOS and WARCOLLAPSE covers at the end of each side round out a totally satisfying take on the style. Start another band already, jeez! (WB)
(Rawmantic Disasters)

NO SUBMISSION – "I Still Believe" EP
East coast political hardcore at its most forgettable, this sounds like some youth crew kids discovered Profane Existence and wanted to throw some d-beats in there but totally missed the mark. There are bands where this loud-talking vocal style works, but here it just feels out a place and drags the whole thing into the tough-guy realm, a weird statement when the lyrics are strictly by-the-book left-wing punk politics. The usual slew of palm-muted breakdowns and gang vocals help keep things positive for the kids, but it ends up that the whole is somehow less than the sum of its parts. Even beyond the oh-so-clean production (you can tell this band was raised on 90s melodic hardcore) everything about this record is safe, right down to schoolchildren pledging allegiance on the cover. Next, please. (WB)
(Get Stoked! / Get Outta Town)

DEFEAT – "Warbride" EP
Sprawling and grim, this a dense dose of claustrophobic dark hardcore for the punx. The record starts out with a series of push-pull tempo changes, moving from hardcore kids playing black metal a la YOUNG AND IN THE WAY to epic chugging and back within the first 45 seconds. Suddenly things shift to a massive, punishing d-beat, but DEFEAT is careful never to let their parts become stale, even after the heavy crust vibe comes to dominate. Seriously, it's unreal how much they manage to squeeze on each side while keep everything coherent; even when some of the slower parts lose my interest, the next killer riff is never more than a few seconds away. The only exception is the closing dirge "The Tide," which, while pushing the dynamics even further over the top, ends up feeling superfluous. I didn't think I needed any more DEFEAT in my life, but I was dead wrong. Don't repeat my mistake.
(Regurgitated Semen)

Belligerent, anthemic queercore from Bloomington, CLOSET BURNER draw on power violence, crust, and raw, straight-ahead street punk in their grinding assault on heteronormative culture. Taking a stand against the intimidation, violence, and internalized self-hatred faced by so many in and out of the punk scene, CLOSET BURNER keep it so fucking real, tackling sexual assault in queer communities on "Power Hypocrisy" and the problematic conflation of sex and gender on "Misinformation = Confiscation" before closing things out with a dual-vocal cover of WARPATH's "Abomination" that recalls the very best of 90s anarcho-punk. Our copy came on translucent pink vinyl with the transgender logo screened on the B-side...dreamy. (WB)
(Reality is a Cult / No I In Punk / IFB)

Damn, you know the gods of blast beats were smiling the day this record was announced. Fans of the style will be familiar with Australia's mighty EXTORTION, a band who've endeared themselves to legions of power violence nerds by honing the raw energy of genre forebears INFEST and SIEGE into a polished, precision-crafted riff machine. True to these bands' legacy, EXTORTION's brilliance lies not just in their ability to go fucking fast (the nine blurry seconds of "Burn Down" should lay waste to any doubts on that subject), but in the interplay between manic grind and memorable, tension-building slowdowns. On the flip side is Austria's COLD WORLD (not to be confused with the brotastic U.S. band) who manage to sound punk as fuck no matter how eye-peeling the tempos get. Most surprising–and impressive–are their frequent flirtations with melody: a few where-did-that-come-from guitar solos along with some melodic walking basslines that blew my mind by actually working on a grind record! The two bands compliment each other perfectly without a hint of redundancy, the essential formula for a classic split. (WB)
(Regurgitated Semen)

November 2012 – #354

Top Ten:

THE VARUKERS-Another Religion, Another War-LP
NORTHWEST COMPANY-Hard To Cry/Get Away From It All-45

KALASHNIKOV – "Vampirizzati Oggi" EP
The latest release from these prolific and unique Italian anarcho-punks, this 7" manages to be at once dark and upbeat, bouncing comfortably between melodic hardcore, gothic punk, and the occasional oddball ska part. Retro-sounding synths adding a manic new wave edge to the whole thing, sort of like a more modern take on the late-period DAMNED sound. I'm down. It's easy for bands in this style to come off as a bit silly, but KALASHNIKOV have the songwriting chops to make it all come together, and "Conzone D'Amore Spettrale" is a darkwave club banger, no doubt. Design nerds and bat lovers alike will drool over the layered fold-out cover, and it includes an awesome looking comic book too! (WB)

Aren't lopsided splits like, the most awkward? You have to wonder if the bands are just friends, or contemplate the possibility that someone whose music you enjoy might actually have dubious taste outside of their own project. LTW delivers the goods on their side here, playing noisey, at times experimental USHC with the occasional epic lead and enough fist-pumping breakdowns to keep the most jaded hardcore kid satisfied. Too bad they only get one side, because that BEASTS OF NO NATION song is so annoying, a marriage of youth crew riffs and late 90's post-grunge that's burdened by some of the most grating vocals I've heard in a long time, not to mention a chorus that reminded me of THE OFFSPRING. (WB)
(Cricket Cemetery)

HAMMERS – Vardøgr 10"
Ambitious and overflowing with creativity, HAMMERS is a dark hardcore behemoth. Honestly, I couldn't think of a better name for this band, the whole thing is goddamn relentless and the sense of tension they create is harsh and unnerving in the best way possible. Drinking heavily from the fountain of CURSED, they fuse the neocrust of MOHORAM ATTA with eye-peeling mathcore to produce something like a cvlt doppleganger of ALPINIST. These songs are fucking dense and it's easy to get lost, but hey that's why they make these things replayable, right? This strikes me as the kind of record that could unite a variety of different scenes, crustlords with ARTIMUS PYLE backpatches shoulder-to-shoulder with the CONVERGE hordes.  The packaging is simple but features one of the sillier gimmicks I've seen in a while, an included reflective surface you fold up in order to decode a mirrored image inside...far out, man. Whatever, this record is fantastic from start to finish, and HAMMERS just might be my favorite Manchester band since STONE ROSES. (WB)
(Adagio 830 / Win Htein / Pain of Mind)

So, these folks are apparently so obsessed with the NOTORIOUS B.I.G. that they've chosen to pay tribute by stealing all of their album and song names from his songs and albums. Ok... The faster hardcore parts here are for the most part pretty generic, but there there's some awesome left-field electronic beats and bleeps, and the sludgy breakdowns fucking slap. I wonder if these dudes realize they replicated the riff from PROPAGANDHI's "Back to the Motor League". You could do worse, I suppose. I hope this band sticks around so they can refine and/or reinvent what's going on here, there's a lot that I like even if the total package falls a bit short. (WB)
(World Trade / Give Praise)

Brooding and epic metalpunk from Ireland, PUTREFACTION temper their foundation in plodding, downtuned d-beat with bursts of thrash, black 'n death metal, like if DISFEAR threw on leather gauntlets and started worshipping BOLT THROWER. Shit yes. The sound on this recording is dialed in to perfection and yes, you've heard the vast majority of these riffs a thousand times before, but when it works, it works, and luckily there's just enough dynamism in the songwriting to keep things from dragging. The ripping guitar leads and especially the vocals resemble ACEPHALIX's more recent material, and there's some incredible double-kick drumming on the B side, but the overall approach remains closer to burly crust acts like WOLFPACK and OILTANKER. I didn't grow up listening to the New Wave of British Heavy Metal and some of the MÖTORHEAD riffs are lost on me (sorry, everyone), but the rockin' elements are balanced by a sense of efficiency and restraint that keeps things from ever feeling overly melodramatic. Always stoked to read artful, articulate lyrics, all the moreso in a style where clichéd, lazy sloganeering is often celebrated and embraced. This record grew on me with every song, and PUTREFACTION is definitely a band I plan to keep my eye on. (WB)
(Distro-y / Underground Movement / Phobia / Ratbone)

October 2012 – #353

Top Ten:

FUTURO-Sair de Mim-EP
NO STATIK-Everywhere You're Not Looking-LP
TRUNCHEONS-Cashing in on Freedom-EP


Some truly strange and progressive female-fronted hardcore punk from Japan, this took me a little while to warm up to but now I must admit I'm quite into it. This very modern-sounding album has a definite 'everything and the kitchen sink' approach, bouncing between stoney FLOWER TRAVELLIN' BAND worship, rock'n'roll-y hardcore, and even some very 90s dream pop/shoegaze without feeling incoherent and/or watered-down as genre-hopping experiments so often do. Certain parts could be compared to the poppy side of BORIS, and the final instrumental 'Still You Say It's Safe?' is one such high point, doing the post-metal thing better than 97% of the bands in that safest of heavy genres. While the lyrics for 'Rotten Apple' are undeniably sketchy ("Those women that desire to be treated equally to men easily get carried away/Selfish-cunts taking advantage of their feminity"), the broader context makes it unclear if they're intended as dark satire or merely reactionary anti-feminism. One thing is for sure, this album isn't about easy answers. I for one can't quite get it out of my mind. (WB)

(Narm Discos)


Hailing from Munich and named for a 19th-century champion of insurrectionary anarchism, MALATESTA specialize in brooding melodic crust with the occasional hint of metal. Not all that gritty for a crust record, the combination of epic d-beats, forceful chugging and melancholic guitar work here recalls bands like ÖROKU minus the cello, while the obscure, washed out production adds several layers of screamotional depth. The vocal range on this record is simply fantastic, and really ties the whole thing together. A record to be listened to with pinkies raised, this is totally worth your time. (WB)



These guys nail the sound they're going for and it's catchy as shit at points, but to be honest I'm having trouble caring about what PYROKLAST have to offer here. These guys play no-bullshit, straight-ahead hardcore punk complete with the most cookie-cutter of left-wing punx politics, but the overall vibe is here more like crusty thrash metal. There's some nods to NYHC and thrashcore in there too, and those parts do help to break from the monotony of PYROKLAST's meat-and-potatoes shreddy hardcore, but the basic m.o. has already been done to death by every mediocre band formed in the wake of AUS ROTTEN. The guitar players are fuckin' shredders and there's no denying the hooks that are simply lying all over this record, but in the end it makes me think about beer bongs way more than I generally like my hardcore to. There's thousands of punks all over the world who would eat this right up, but sadly I ain't one of them. Oh well. (WB)



I can't confess to any real familiarity with the Tor aside from their D-list namesake and the THEY AND THE CHILDREN CD they put out years ago (props), but this little nugget makes about as compelling of a case for checking out their back catalogue as I can imagine. The first track is probably my favorite, a previously unreleased dose of crushing German-style metallic crust by Providence's SAINT JUDE. NOW DENIAL add a lo-fi pop-punk feel to their nonetheless super-legit take on the MISFITS' "We Bite", while THE PRETTY FACES manage to integrate some pretty killer toy piano melodies into their enjoyable melange of screamo, post-hardcore and NIRVANA-influenced alt-rock guitar. Finally, the awesomely-named A FINE BOAT, THAT COFFIN round things out with some fairly glitchy electronica paired with hardcore vocals. DIY as fuck right down to the recycled covers (mine came from a DIONNE WARWICK LP!), this rules, ok? (WB)

(Tor Johnson)


Heavy and bleak dual-vocal punishment from Western Australia, NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT offer up an enticing combo of sludge, powerviolence, and hardcore snarl that can't help but impress. A song cycle about mental illness and alienation accompanied by some fantastically schizoid artwork, words like discomfort, shame, and fffuuuuuuck are but a few brought to mind by this release. Never resting on a particular sound for too long, the band manifests an appropriately oppressive atmosphere throughout, to maddening effect. This is what they call a "total package". Get on it. (WB)

(Coffin Cut)


From the appropriately hellish wasteland of Orange County, this is dark hardcore for the Satan/weed set, pretty fucking good stuff. The requisite A389 mid-tempo pummel is in full effect, thick metallic hardcore a la XIBALBA punctuated by murky black metal and spot-on sludgecore breakdowns that had me headbanging impulsively. Sisters of SLEEP indeed, you can tell these guys have spent plenty of time on a certain 'Holy Mountain', and they're particularly indebted to Chris Hiakus' rightfully-legendary cymbal-plod. No complaints here. This single 7" comes in a gatefold sleeve just so it can contain the accompanying bonus CD, poster, download card, and embroidered patch that come with it. This, in turn, begs several questions. Like, why does one need a download card if a CD copy is included? And, more importantly, who wants to pay $13 for a 3-song EP? Fucking ridiculous. (WB)


September 2012 – #352

Top Ten:

THE DICKS-Hate the Police-EP
OEDE-One Man's Trash-EP
V/A-More World, Less Bank Pt. 3-EP


This band is from Chicago and plays plodding, misanthropic hate mosh that fans of NAILS should eat right up. Some folks go goofy for the well-orchestrated hardcore call-out, but these guys pretty much lost me when the chugs cut out for a screamed “I am the champion!” halfway through side A. Still, nothing could prepare me for the same trick two minutes later, only this time offering “a toast/For those who hated life the most”. Yeah, that just happened. It's pretty hard to take seriously a record that spends this much time telling you how tough and dark it is, but the basic appeal of bands like NEGLECT and INTEGRITY is there for sure. Whatever, I’m spin-kicking my way out of this pit. At least they say they hate cops. (WB)

(Organized Crime)


Sprawling, idiosyncratic black/death metal insanity from LA's mind-numbingly prolific BLACK TWILIGHT CIRCLE, this is a vinyl repress of a tape originally released in 2010. Composed and performed almost entirely by VOLAHN (whose eponymous project is probably my personal favorite of the BTC bands), this is by far the most punk-sounding release to come out of the collective besides MATA MATA. Intended as unabashed early crust worship (most obviously of AMEBIX) and also drawing heavily from first-wave black metal like VENOM, AXEMAN melds the classic battle-crust aesthetic with the revolutionary, mystical use of Mesoamerican indigenous mythology that is central to the BLACK TWILIGHT program. The result is a thrashy take on the basic BTC style, with reverb-soaked production and washed-out guitars giving way to meaty mid-tempo parts and cosmic leads that can only be described as bonkers. It's a lot to take in, and those less inclined towards fuckin' metal might get lost when things get shreddy. Too bad, because the connoisseurs will tell that BLACK TWILIGHT (along with the related RHINOCERVS label) is making some of the best and most original black metal out there, and AXEMAN is no exception. Metalloid punkers and open-minded crusties will definitely want to get their hands on this. (WB)

(Darkest Heavy)


Doom metal is one of those genres that seems hopelessly overpopulated these days, but ROTE HEXE manage to carve out their own niche by mixing the southern sludge of bands like BUZZOV*EN with a distinctly post-NEUROSIS approach to doom. Even though they play wildly different genres of metal, the whole thing has a very BLACK BREATH vibe to it, with a spooky and sacrilegious tone throughout, and this band definitely sounds like they're aching to put something out on Southern Lord in the near future. Unfortunately, in the end this is an album with lots of hooks but not too many riffs, and it left me feeling a bit underwhelmed until the end, where the tempo picks up into some WEEDEATER territory that's a bit more fun than the slow stuff. The LP comes with a bonus flex, so that's pretty damn cool. (WB)

(Cricket Cemetery)


Ugh, why the fuck do people still make music like this? Lest the "sexy", retro-futuristic cleavage-bots on the cover confuse you, THE NAKED HEROES are nothing more than another tired 70s cock-rock clone, lacking even the slightest hint of originality or taste. The opening song – in which the singer enlightens us to the fact that he "don't want no ugly woman" – seems like it was written to gross people like me out, but having to hear the same goddamn song nine more times after that is what's truly offensive here. Even the comic book that comes with this record sucks. Ouch. (WB)

(Drug Front)


Some music is timeless, while other stuff is simply too weird to be of any particular era or scene. I really don’t know what to say here: delta blues, raw black metal and pulsing electronic soundscapes all figure into the bizarre concoction that is OEDE, and it fucking works. This is apparently a one-man act from Norway, but the record plays out like a bad acid trip through the Deep South that rivals THE GUN CLUB if only in sheer darkness. One might compare this to the "Crossroads" LP by France's brilliant DIAMETREGON, but OEDE have a style all their own, right down to the altered photographs of corpse painted and Baphomet-headed bluesmen on the cover art. I can only imagine where this band is going from here, but I want to follow. (WB)

(Holy Terror)


Sick and brvtal metallic käng, this shit rips from the first note and never lets off. Not to be confused with AKTIV DÖDSHJÄLP (dödshjälp, in case you were wondering, means euthanasia in Swedish), PASSIV DÖDSHJÄLP provide a textbook demonstration of how to do modern d-beat/crust right, with dissonant, melancholic guitar work and vocals that project a powerful sense of desperation and foreboding. The driving drums and melodic, emotionally-charged songwriting can’t help but invite comparisons to the mature works of MARTYRDÖD, offset somewhat by the straight-ahead hardcore spirit of a band like TOTALITÄR. A must-listen for fans of the Swedish upper crust. (WB)

(Halvfabrikat / Total Punk)


The label on this seven-inch says "PLAY LOUDER", so I did. Good call. Kansas City's NO MASTER dish out quick blasts of raw, bass-heavy noise punk, sort of like what MAUSER might sound like if they'd turn down that damn treble knob. The tone and overall sinister feel are perfectly dialed in, of course, as are the nails-in-the-throat vocals, but what really takes this record to the next level is the insane abundance of hooks, which flow seamlessly into one another and make repeat listening a true pleasure. Breakdowns are few and far between, but always manage to add to the atmosphere, especially when they hint at the crust-metal vibe of bands like ACEPHALIX. For those of you who like your d-beat thick and oppressive, NO MASTER is sure to satisfy the craving. (WB)



SUCKED DRY from Kansas City play a grimey form of USHC with a familiar progression of fast punk, blast beats and claustrophobic breakdowns along with several excellent opportunities for the well-refined floor punch. There's also a notable influence from classic powerviolence, with the utterly pissed off ghost of CROSSED OUT looming over the whole gnarly mess. The requisite smattering of tempo changes manages to keep things interesting, and the vocals give off a compelling sense of wierdo frustration throughout. Damned good stuff. (WB)


A CD reissue of their extremely limited-run LP from 2011 along with a recent live cassette release, this release shows SHAVED WOMEN to be one of the more interesting bands in contemporary American hardcore. Very much in line with the art-kid NYHC revival currently being led by bands like HOAX, SHAVED WOMEN rely on killer vocals and inventive, varied guitar work to stand out from the crowd. The record kind of hangs out at a slow, deliberate pace, which just serves to make the uptempo cover of DIE KREUZEN's "Think Of Me" at the end of the LP feel that much more cathartic when it hits. Top this of with better-than-average lyrics and some truly fantastic original artwork and we're looking at a rad total package. I generally don't get the appeal of live recordings, especially for punk bands, but the utterly blown out sound on the second half of the CD helps to bring out the noizier tendencies implied on the studio tracks and actually made me want to come back again instead of skipping over them like I usually would. (WB)


August 2012 - #351

VEUVE SS – "Viscères" EP
A headscratcher of record from Lyon, France, VEUVE SS apparently
features members from 12XU and the sludgy OVERMARS. While the runic
logo and ultra-obscure artwork give off some decidedly "mysterious"
vibes, that's hardly enough to prepare one for the sonic mindfuck
within. No joke, this is a band that manages in a ten-minute span to
touch on straight-ahead fuzzy HC, blasty near-powerviolence, and even
a couple of (supremely satisfying) knuckle-dragging chug bits,
side-by-side with several tracks of droning, feedback-ridden doom
metal. It'd be an overstatement to say that it all comes together
seamlessly, but also a disservice to the work at hand, which derives
its essence from this proudly warped approach to songwriting. Good
shit. (WB)
(Echo Canyon / Flower of Carnage)

THE FORUM – "The Master's Wall" EP
Thrashy hardcore from Montréal with a solid dose of the crust. Most of
the stuff on here is pretty straightforward, and when the band does
experiment with the formula it's somewhat hit or miss: "Mercy For Now"
is by far the best song here, with some tremelo-picked speed riffs
that reminded me of MARTYRDÖD, but later on the band descends into
slower and shreddier realms that make the second half drag. Nothing
that reinvents the wheel, but "You should pay rent for living inside
my head" is one of the better delivered lines I've come across in a
while. Respect. (WB)
(Harsh Crust)

PERMANENT RUIN – "Theme for Castration" Flexi
Utterly essential shit from hands-down my favorite hardcore band in
the Bay Area right now, this piece o' plastic was put out by the
flexi-happy R.P.N.D. crew and features seven songs from PERMRU's 2011
demo tape. The extreme excellence of these recordings should be no
surprise to those of you who recognize some of these folks as alums of
world unto themselves, a seething, grinding HC whirlwind with caustic
vocals, other-worldly blast beats, and guitar leads that would make a
second-rate Burning Spirits clone gag with envy. Seriously, if you
catch PERMANENT RUIN live and aren't moved, do the rest of us a favor
and light yourself on fire already. (WB)
(Radical Punks Never Die)

KAMI ADA – "Resistencia Libertad" EP
With an international lineup containing members from Colombia, Poland,
Indonesia, and Germany, KAMI ADA play indignant political hardcore
that blends the ultra-anthemic quality of melodic 90s anarcho-punk
with the one-two kick-snare throttle of thrashcore…very nice. The
vocals (sung in Spanish) are varied and excellent throughout, with
lyrics focused on xenophobia and the racist policies of Frontex, the
EU's border security agency. This record definitely grew on me with
each listen, and if I have any complaints about this 7", it's that
it's far too short! Seriously, I'd love to see what this band could
come up with on a full-length, at times this felt like the songs would
benefit from having more room to breathe. Nonetheless, a damn fine
introduction to a band worth keeping an eye on. (WB)
(Refuse / Up The Punx / Fucking Awesome Music Everyday / Emancypunx /
Aktiver Ausstand In Plastik)

ABUSE – "Manifest: 1994-2004 Discography" CD
A fifty-five track retrospective of this underrated d-beat band from
Sweden, this compiles the "Mördare" and "I Guds Namn" EPs, a split
with DISKONTO, comp and demo tracks as well as not one but two
previously unreleased sessions, one from 95-96 along with their final
set from 2004. The newest recordings (which confusingly appear first
on this compilation) are probably my least favorite, but the classic
releases are unceasingly solid, and I ended up enjoying the fact that
the recordings got rawer as the CD went on. The throat-shredding
vocals are a definitely highlight, sounding like the dude had to be
rushed to the hospital immediately after each recording, while the
fuzzed-out guitars provide some delightfully off-kilter solos that
alleviate any concern that this is merely another MOB 47 wannabe.
ABUSE deserve a higher position in the Scandinavian crust pantheon,
and this is a disc that is absolutely worth your time. (WB)
(Haunted Hotel)

June 2013 – #349

V/A – “‘Society Best’” LP
An ultra-cheep label omnibus from Antisociety, a newer outfit focused on repressing rare and out-of-print recordings from classic UK anarcho-punk bands. Accordingly, most of the stuff here are demo and live versions along with the occasional studio track, including ZOUNDS' bid for the greatest anarcho-anthem of all time, "Can't Cheat Karma." Odds and sods comps like this all too easily play out like effort to squeeze a quick buck from the leftover detritus of long-defunct acts, but luckily we're talking about one of the more fertile periods in punk history, and pretty much everything here is more than worthwhile for fans of peace punk and early crust. The roster is almost a who's who of the era, including the ever-underrated ANTI-SYSTEM, ANTISECT, PINK TURDS IN SPACE (who I had shamefully never heard before!), DOOM, ALTERNATIVE, and VARUKERS, not to mention a cut from the always-cute early DISCHARGE demos, goofy Johnny Rotten impression and all. I was intrigued by super lo-fi cut from REALITY ATTACK off of the label’s "Bullsheep Detector," which appears to be a compilation of Welsh anarcho-bands from the first half of the 1980s. That sounds awesome, and this is too. (WB)

HUNTING PARTY – “Sub Rosa With Whispered Pacts” EP
Building on its members’ experience in some of the best Bay Area hardcore acts of the past few years—MIGRAINE, VACCUUM, ECOLI, and YADOKAI, to name only a few—HUNTING PARTY play dark, menacing USHC that harkens back to a time when loyalty to hardcore meant more than a willingness to adhere to some played-out formula. This attitude comes to a head on the second half of “Straight Shooter,” where drums and vocals cut out leaving nothing but feedback and a single, pulsing guitar riff before everyone comes back in for a final two-second burst of rage…fucking brilliant. With molasses-thick guitar tone and an fittingly gritty vocal delivery, this records simply exudes toughness (though not machismo) without relying on generic breakdowns or having to waste time telling you about it. (WB)
(Hesitation Wounds)

WILD//TRIBE – "Endless Nights" CD
Required listening for all dedicated pogo wolves. Fort Worth's WILD//TRIBE dish out explosive, speed-crazy hardcore punk that owes more than a little bit to the shredding glory of Japanese bands like FORWARD and BASTARD, forgoing any sense of pretense in favor of songs about what's real in life: nonconformity, getting wasted, and bitter disappointment. Everything is airtight and totally overboard, but what really takes things to the next level are the lightning-fast melodic bass lines…seriously, the dude is unreal. I can only imagine the debauchery and excess that this band conjures up live, but for now, go ahead and put your money where your mouth is, break a beer bottle over your head and crank this way too loud. (WB)
(Under The Surface / Punkalive / Rescued from Life)

Not a previously-unheard of split by Boston sludge/doom titans GRIEF as the artwork initially led me to believe, this is in fact a concept EP from Chicago’s PIG CHAMPION, exploring the five stages of grief via mostly forgettable metallic hardcore. Tough, thrashy, and fast is this band’s bread-and-butter, but it’s the punishing, claustrophobic breakdowns that stand out here; the EP’s best song, “Depression,” is pretty much straight doom metal. Can't say I'm impressed with the total package, though I must tip my hat to PIG CHAMPION for bringing as much party mosh as they do to Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross' notion of the psychological process of acceptance. (WB)

I'll always remember OILTANKER as a bastion of crusty glory in the wilderness that was my time living in Connecticut, a state where I was on at least one occasion locked in a room and forced to listen to an entire HATEBREED record by my so-called "friends" in the hardcore scene. OILTANKER more than do justice to that nostalgic memory here, their crushing live energy captured perfectly with a manic,  d-beat sound that takes the raw appeal of bands like DOOM into the twenty-first century. NO TOMORROW's side, on the other hand, failed to grab my attention, offering a rather unexceptional take on the same "Portland sound" that's launched a thousand more-or-less interchangeable melodic crust bands in the past decade. They do a competent job, no doubt, and fans of the style would be wise to check them out, but other than that there's not much to write home about. My kudos to everyone involved in this release for selecting a tone of colored vinyl that makes the whole thing look just like a giant turd. (WB)
(Profane Existence)

Demo Reviews – May 2012

1981 – An obviously incomplete discography from this still-active peace punk act from Finland, this compiles one full-length with two EPs including a split with fellow revivalists SURRENDER. Never veering into folk-punk territory, 1981 instead make a compelling case for anarcho-punk as folk music, incorporating some rather poppy vocals into a sound that is at once retro and very now-sounding. Beautifully packaged with a lengthy booklet that includes lyrics and an interview in both French and English. (Will) (13-song CD-R, lyrics included,

Circus of Lamia – I don't even know where to begin with one…somewhere near the nexus of gothic metal, bar rock and goofball thrash lies the CIRCUS OF LAMIA, who apparently hail from Sweden. Operatic female vocals theoretically tie everything together, but aside from that there's little unity to these songs. In all seriousness, this reeks of juggalos and Myspace. Gross. (Will) (3-song CD, no lyrics,

Nervosas – Sharp, angular punk from Columbus, OH, this sounds like it was recorded to tape no later than 1982 (meant as a compliment). At first glance this might be mistaken for simple garage punk, but a closer listen reveals a serious debt to the pantheon of quirky, art-school bands like WIRE and Australia's THOUGHT CRIMINALS. The warped, idiosyncratically-effected guitars add another awesome layer to this tape, as do dual-gender vocals when they occasional surface. “Unstable” is seriously one of the best songs I've ever heard, instantly becoming ingrained into my musical subconsciousness for the foreseeable future. This totally, fully rips. (11-song cassette, no lyrics,

Not on Tour – Fast, tight, and face-punchingly catchy female-fronted pop-punk/melodic hardcore from Israel. What this is doing on Halo of Flies, I have no idea (pun seriously not intended!), but with lyrics like "wanna puke wanna puke on you/wanna puke on people just like you" it's hard to go wrong. Oh, and it comes wrapped in a patch…sick! (Will) (8-song cassette, lyrics included,