Saturday, January 3, 2015

August 2014 – #375

Top Ten:


Cut-rate shit punk from deep Clevo; I’m still having trouble believing this shares
a member with 9 SHOCKS TERROR. Musically, it’s just whatever; your standard, run-
of-the-mill throwback hardcore, nothing innovative, but at least they play pretty fast and
competent. Vocally, however, it’s a fucking mess, alternating between ultra-annoying
high-pitched shrieks and some more talked-out parts that sound like an ANGRY
SAMOANS knockoff. A glance at the lyrics and liner notes quickly took this from
“boring” to “no, I actually hate this,” a thin veneer of bravado masking an obvious chip
on their collective shoulder about not being accepted by “self-entitled arrogant
PUSSIES” such as myself. Punk scene Illuminati or not, this band will probably playing
Now That’s Class until the end of time... party on, brodozers. (WB)

This split is definitely worth grabbing for expansive hXc heads. Tokyo’s
ENSLAVE give us four more tracks of epic screamo-crust, and though it’s a notch or two
below their Far East Hardcore Punk LP, they deserve credit for carving out a unique
sound somewhere between CATHARSIS, ENVY, and metallic D-beat. The dual vocals
are compelling as ever, and the uplifting “Out Of Society” reminds me of PAINTBOX’s
genre-exploding Trip, Trance, and Travelling LP, while the last song unfortunately goes
into some pretty campy chug territory. I’d never heard of Singapore’s PAZAHORA
before this, but wow, totally blown away by their side, a furious, passionate blast of
galloping melocrust that actually merits the comparison to ICTUS and FROM ASHES
TRAGEDY RISE. The recordings are fuckin’ raw in the best way possible, giving the
guitars harmonies a nice layer of grit while avoiding the sterile feel that’s come to
colonize far too much of this style. I’ll be digging up their entire discography, thank you
very much. (WB)

AGE OF WOE / 100 YEARS – split EP
Oh boy, where to begin with this one... two sides of “catchy” metallic hardcore
from Sweden, I think this is supposed to have a crusty edge but I’m really not getting
that. AGE OF WOE take a death metal tone into the realm of groovy hardcore, with a
mix that basically turns all the guitars into mush when they aren’t doing leads. This is
some windmill-friendly shit, and I’m truly embarrassed for the band when I say that the
vocals kinda remind me of misogynist crabcore darlings ATTILA. 100 YEARS don’t
fare any better, kicking their side off with some arpeggiated synth-bass that really misses
the mark, not to mention the jazzy funk lick that comes in halfway through. Like AGE
OF WOE, they just feel like they’re trying too hard, and the result is another example of
what I’m going to start referring to as dark dogecore: “such tuff. wow. much evil.” (WB)
(Give Praise / Suicide)

CRUEL FRIENDS – “Mittags in Deutschland” EP
Don’t let the cute baby on the cover fool you, this is some gnarly, grinding
hardcore in the vein of SVFFER or HEXIS, without the latter’s pesky demoniac vibes.
There’s something in the waters of Central Europe right now that’s making everyone go
fast as fuck, and I’m certainly not gonna complain, though this only lasts about ten
seconds before plunging into one of the best, heaviest breakdowns I’ve heard in quite
some time (and that’s coming from someone who’s very anti-breakdown as a rule). After
that, there’s no letting up, just a raging, masterful blur of modern German hardcore with
great tone and just enough dynamics to keep things flowing. Lyrically, the band manages
to be inventive and off-the-wall without feeling silly. Damn good, to be sure, and I’ll
look forward to more. (WB)
(Meta Matter / Kink)

BEARMACE – “Cold Ones” EP
Mid-tempo hardcore with a nice dose of the fuzzz, this is a cool little nugget from
Montreal’s BEARMACE. Throat-ripping vocals set a nice pace from the start, and
there’s some solid riffs to sink your teeth into along with a solid rhythm section. A great
mix brings it all together, and the guitars have a nice layer of noize, although to be
honest, I think that could have been emphasized a bit more. A minor complaint, all things
considered, and certainly not one that should stop anyone from checking this out. (WB)

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